Bacchanalia, as the name implies, is for those who really want to let it out! The open bar serves all day and night and the drinks, while they taste strong, are (mostly) non-alcoholic! No one goes home from the casinos with a diminished pocket-book and sometimes visitors hit a big score! Jovial live music plays on 24/7. For overnight guests, a sensory control pod allows the deepest, most invigorating sleep you will ever experience because you can add any sensory input that helps you rest, while being completely soundproof to the din outside.
Entertainment includes robot wars, balls, hoedowns, exhibitions, and much more! The finest element in this experience is the food. The cuisine consists of universally favored Holiday feasts! Examples are from Earth, a Thanksgiving feast; from Subaqueous, an Abyssal Day feast; and from Desserts, a Zen Day banquet! And there is so much more!